introducing a new friend

yes. the baking cup has a new friend. well. i would say they’ve been best friends lately.

you and me are all excited because it’s 70 degrees {average} outside. and. feel. well. like eating everything light.

hmm. light it’s not a great word. i don’t like diets and that word reminds me of it. and. i don’t think you like it either.

it’s all about balanced meals throughout the day, right?

ok. instead of light. let’s say flavorful and fragrant. what do you think? it’s that a little better?   i think so :)

the baking cup has been delivering tons of orders lately. and. let me just say that i’m a happy human being!

these orders include flavors that. i. myself. have. never. heard. before.

but. i will tell you more about that later this week.

lemon and the baking cup are pretty close together. that much. that. they are falling in love.

why? hmm, i found out that lemon it’s a top pick & a favorite among the baking cup lovely clients.

even this tweet from @al_winmill was about the lemon-lime and swiss merengue buttercream cupcake i delivered to my tweep @katpinke :)

if you don’t follow them on twitter. you know what you have to do {hint: click the links above}

lemon tweet

lemon-lime & swiss merengue buttercream by the baking cup

photo courtesy of alec winmill { @al_winmill }


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